Reduction Operations

RAJA does not provide separate loop execution methods for loops containing reduction operations like some other C++ loop programming abstraction models. Instead, RAJA provides reduction types that allow users to perform reduction operations in kernels launched using RAJA::forall, RAJA::kernel, and RAJA::launch methods in a portable, thread-safe manner. Users may use as many reduction objects in a loop kernel as they need. Available RAJA reduction types are described in this section.


All RAJA reduction types are located in the namespace RAJA.



  • Each RAJA reduction type is templated on a reduction policy and a reduction value type for the reduction variable. The reduction policy type must be compatible with the execution policy used by the kernel in which it is used. For example, in a CUDA kernel, a CUDA reduction policy must be used.
  • Each RAJA reduction type accepts an initial reduction value or values at construction (see below).
  • Each RAJA reduction type has a ‘get’ method to access reduced values after kernel execution completes.

Please see the following tutorial sections for detailed examples that use RAJA reductions:

Reduction Types

RAJA supports five common reduction types:

  • ReduceSum< reduce_policy, data_type > - Sum of values.
  • ReduceMin< reduce_policy, data_type > - Min value.
  • ReduceMax< reduce_policy, data_type > - Max value.
  • ReduceMinLoc< reduce_policy, data_type > - Min value and a loop index where the minimum was found.
  • ReduceMaxLoc< reduce_policy, data_type > - Max value and a loop index where the maximum was found.

and two less common bitwise reduction types:

  • ReduceBitAnd< reduce_policy, data_type > - Bitwise ‘and’ of values (i.e., a & b).
  • ReduceBitOr< reduce_policy, data_type > - Bitwise ‘or’ of values (i.e., a | b).


  • When RAJA::ReduceMinLoc and RAJA::ReduceMaxLoc are used in a sequential execution context, the loop index of the min/max is the first index where the min/max occurs.
  • When these reductions are used in a parallel execution context, the loop index computed for the reduction value may be any index where the min or max occurs.


RAJA::ReduceBitAnd and RAJA::ReduceBitOr reduction types are designed to work on integral data types because in C++, at the language level, there is no such thing as a bitwise operator on floating-point numbers.

Reduction Examples

Next, we provide a few examples to illustrate basic usage of RAJA reduction types.

Here is a simple RAJA reduction example that shows how to use a sum reduction type and a min-loc reduction type:

const int N = 1000;

// Initialize array of length N with all ones. Then, set some other
// values in the array to make the example mildly interesting...
int vec[N] = {1};
vec[100] = -10; vec[500] = -10;

// Create a sum reduction object with initial value of zero
RAJA::ReduceSum< RAJA::omp_reduce, int > vsum(0);

// Create a min-loc reduction object with initial min value of 100
// and initial location index value of -1
RAJA::ReduceMinLoc< RAJA::omp_reduce, int > vminloc(100, -1);

// Run a kernel using the reduction objects
RAJA::forall<RAJA::omp_parallel_for_exec>( RAJA::RangeSegment(0, N),
  [=](RAJA::Index_type i) {

  vsum += vec[i];
  vminloc.minloc( vec[i], i );


// After kernel is run, extract the reduced values
int my_vsum = static_cast<int>(vsum.get());

int my_vmin = static_cast<int>(vminloc.get());
int my_vminloc = static_cast<int>(vminloc.getLoc());

The results of these operations will yield the following values:

  • my_vsum == 978 (= 998 - 10 - 10)
  • my_vmin == -10
  • my_vminloc == 100 or 500

Note that the location index for the minimum array value can be one of two values depending on the order of the reduction finalization since the loop is run in parallel. Also, note that the reduction objects are created using a RAJA::omp_reduce reduction policy, which is compatible with the OpenMP execution policy used in the kernel.

Here is an example of a bitwise or reduction:

const int N = 100;

// Initialize all entries in array of length N to the value '9'
int vec[N] = {9};

// Create a bitwise or reduction object with initial value of '5'
RAJA::ReduceBitOr< RAJA::omp_reduce, int > my_or(5);

// Run a kernel using the reduction object
RAJA::forall<RAJA::omp_parallel_for_exec>( RAJA::RangeSegment(0, N),
  [=](RAJA::Index_type i) {

  my_or |= vec[i];


// After kernel is run, extract the reduced value
int my_or_reduce_val = static_cast<int>(my_or.get());

The result of the reduction is the value ‘13’. In binary representation (i.e., bits), \(9 = ...01001\) (the vector entries) and \(5 = ...00101\) (the initial reduction value). So \(9 | 5 = ...01001 | ...00101 = ...01101 = 13\).

Reduction Policies

For more information about available RAJA reduction policies and guidance on which to use with RAJA execution policies, please see Reduction Policies.

Experimental Reduction Interface

An experimental reduction interface is now available that offers several usability and performance advantages over the current reduction model in RAJA. The new interface allows RAJA::forall to take optional “plugin-like” objects to extend the execution behavior of a RAJA::forall execution context.

The new interface passes RAJA::expt::Reduce<OP_TYPE> objects as function arguments to RAJA::forall and provides users with thread-local variables of the reduction data type to be updated inside the lambda. This differs from the current reduction model in which RAJA::ReduceOP<REDUCE_POL, T> objects are captured by the user-supplied kernel body lambda expression.


double* a = ...;

double rs = 0.0;
double rm = 1e100;

RAJA::forall<EXEC_POL> ( Res, Seg,
[=] (int i, double& _rs, double& _rm) {
  _rs += a[i];
  _rm = RAJA_MIN(a[i], _rm);

std::cout << rs ...
std::cout << rm ...
  • Each RAJA::expt::Reduce argument to RAJA::forall is templated on a reduction operator, and takes a pointer to a target variable to write the final reduction result to, &rs and &rm in the example code above. The reduction operation will include the existing value of the given target variable.
  • The kernel body lambda expression passed to RAJA::forall must have a parameter corresponding to each RAJA::expt::Reduce argument, _rs and _rm in the example code. These parameters refer to a local target for each reduction operation. It is important to note that the parameters follow the kernel iteration variable, i in this case, and appear in the same order as the corresponding RAJA::expt::Reduce arguments to RAJA::forall. The parameters’ types must be references to the types used in the RAJA::expt::Reduce arguments.
  • The local variables referred to by _rs and _rm are initialized with the identity of the reduction operation to be performed.
  • The local variables are updated in the user supplied lambda.
  • The local variables are reduced to a single value, combining their values across all threads participating in the RAJA::forall execution.
  • Finally, the target variable is updated with the result of the RAJA::forall reduction by performing the reduction operation to combine the existing value of the target variable and the result of the RAJA::forall reduction.
  • The final reduction value is accessed by referencing the target variable passed to RAJA::expt::Reduce in the RAJA::forall method.


In the above example Res is a resource object that must be compatible with the EXEC_POL. Seg is the iteration space object for RAJA::forall.


The order and types of the local reduction variables in the kernel body lambda expression must match exactly with the corresponding RAJA::expt::Reduce arguments to the RAJA::forall to ensure that the correct result is obtained.


As with the current RAJA reduction interface, the new interface supports loc reductions, which provide the ability to get a kernel/loop index at which the final reduction value was found. With this new interface, loc reductions are performed using ValLoc<T> types. Since they are strongly typed, they provide min() and max() operations that are equivalent to using RAJA_MIN() or RAJA_MAX macros as demonstrated in the code example below. Users must use the getVal() and getLoc() methods to access the reduction results:

double* a = ...;

using VL_DOUBLE = RAJA::expt::ValLoc<double>;
VL_DOUBLE rm_loc;

RAJA::forall<EXEC_POL> ( Res, Seg,
[=] (int i, VL_DOUBLE& _rm_loc) {
  _rm_loc = RAJA_MIN(VL_DOUBLE(a[i], i), _rm_loc);
  //_rm_loc.min(VL_DOUBLE(a[i], i)); // Alternative to RAJA_MIN

std::cout << rm_loc.getVal() ...
std::cout << rm_loc.getLoc() ...

Lambda Arguments

This interface takes advantage of C++ parameter packs to allow users to pass any number of RAJA::expt::Reduce objects to the RAJA::forall method:

double* a = ...;

using VL_DOUBLE = RAJA::expt::ValLoc<double>;
VL_DOUBLE rm_loc;
double rs;
double rm;

RAJA::forall<EXEC_POL> ( Res, Seg,
  RAJA::expt::Reduce<RAJA::operators::plus>(&rs),        // --> 1 double added
  RAJA::expt::Reduce<RAJA::operators::minimum>(&rm),     // --> 1 double added
  RAJA::expt::Reduce<RAJA::operators::minimum>(&rm_loc), // --> 1 VL_DOUBLE added
  RAJA::expt::KernelName("MyFirstRAJAKernel"),           // --> NO args added
  [=] (int i, double& _rs, double& _rm, VL_DOUBLE& _rm_loc) {
    _rs += a[i];
    _rm = RAJA_MIN(a[i], _rm);
    _rm_loc.min(VL_DOUBLE(a[i], i));

std::cout << rs ...
std::cout << rm ...
std::cout << rm_loc.getVal() ...
std::cout << rm_loc.getLoc() ...

Again, the lambda expression parameters are in the same order as the RAJA::expt::Reduce arguments to RAJA::forall. Both the types and order of the parameters must match to get correct results and to compile successfully. Otherwise, a static assertion will be triggered:

LAMBDA Not invocable w/ EXPECTED_ARGS.


This static assert is only enabled when passing an undecorated C++ lambda. Meaning, this check will not happen when passing extended-lambdas (i.e. DEVICE tagged lambdas) or other functor like objects.


The experimental RAJA::forall interface is more flexible than the current implementation, other optional arguments besides RAJA::expt::Reduce can be passed to a RAJA::forall to extend its behavior. In the above example we demonstrate using RAJA::expt::KernelName, which wraps a RAJA::forall executing under a HIP or CUDA policy in a named region. Use of RAJA::expt::KernelName does not require an additional parameter in the lambda expression.