
RAJA supports user-made plugins that may be loaded either at compilation time (static plugins) or during runtime (dynamic plugins). These two methods are not mutually exclusive, as plugins loaded statically can be run alongside plugins that are loaded dynamically.

Using RAJA Plugins

Static vs Dynamic Loading

Static loading is done at compile time and requires recompilation in order to add, remove, or change a plugin. This is arguably the easier method to implement, requiring only simple file linking to make work. However, recompilation may get tedious and resource-heavy when working with many plugins or on large projects. In these cases, it may be better to load plugins dynamically, requiring no recompilation of the project most of the time.

Dynamic loading is done at runtime and only requires the recompilation or moving of plugin files in order to add, remove, or change a plugin. This will likely require more work to set up, but in the long run may save time and resources. RAJA checks the environment variable RAJA_PLUGINS for a path to a plugin or plugin directory, and automatically loads them at runtime. This means that a plugin can be added to a project as easily as making a shared object file and setting RAJA_PLUGINS to the appropriate path.

Plugins Quick Start

Static Plugins

  1. Build RAJA normally.
  2. Use an #include statement in your code or pass options to the compiler to load your plugin file with your project at compile time. For example: g++ project.cpp plugin.cpp -lRAJA -ldl -o project.
  3. When you run your project, your plugin should work.

Dynamic Plugins

  1. Build RAJA normally.
  2. Compile your plugin to be a shared object file with .so extension. For example: g++ plugin.cpp -lRAJA -fPIC -shared -o
  3. Set the environment variable RAJA_PLUGINS to the path of your .so file. This can either be the path to its directory or to the shared object file itself. If the path is a directory, all .so files in that directory will be loaded.
  4. When you run your project, your plugins should work.

Interfacing with Plugins

The RAJA plugin API allows for limited interfacing between a project and a plugin. There are a couple of methods to call in your code: init_plugins and finalize_plugins. These will call the corresponding init and finalize methods, respectively, of every currently loaded plugin. It’s worth noting that plugins don’t require either an init or finalize method by default.

  • RAJA::util::init_plugins(); will call the init method of every currently loaded plugin.
  • RAJA::util::init_plugins("path/to/plugins"); will call the init method of every currently loaded plugin and, in addition, will also dynamically load plugins located at the given path.
  • RAJA::util::finalize_plugins(); will call the finalize method of every currently loaded plugin.

Creating Plugins For RAJA

Plugins are classes derived from the RAJA::util::PluginStrategy base class and implement the required virtual methods for the API. An example implementation can be found at the bottom of this page.

Plugin API methods

The following list summarizes the virtual methods in the RAJA::util::PluginStrategy base class.

  • void init(const PluginOptions& p) override {} is called on all plugins when a user calls init_plugins()
  • void preCapture(const PluginContext& p) override {} is called before lambda capture in RAJA kernel execution methods.
  • void postCapture(const PluginContext& p) override {} is called after lambda capture in RAJA kernel execution methods.
  • void preLaunch(const PluginContext& p) override {} is called before a RAJA kernel execution method runs a kernel.
  • void postLaunch(const PluginContext& p) override {} is called after a RAJA kernel execution method runs a kernel.
  • void finalize() override {} is called on all plugins when a user calls finalize_plugins. This will also unload all currently loaded plugins.


The pre/post methods above are automatically called before and after executing a kernel with RAJA::forall or RAJA::kernel kernel execution methods.


The init and finalize methods are never called by default and are only called when a user calls RAJA::util::init_plugins() or RAJA::util::finalize_plugin(), respectively.

Static Loading

If a plugin is to be loaded into a project at compile time, it must be loaded with either an #include statement in the project source code or by calling the following method in the project source code, which adds the plugin to the RAJA ``PluginRegistry`::`

static RAJA::util::PluginRegistry::add<PluginName> P(“Name”, “Description”);

In either case, the plugin will be loaded every time the compiled project executable is run.

Dynamic Loading

If a plugin is to be dynamically loaded in a project at run time, the RAJA plugin API requires a few conditions to be met. The following must be true about the plugin, not necessarily of the project using it.

  1. The plugin must have the following factory method that returns a pointer to an instance of your plugin:

    extern "C" RAJA::util::PluginStrategy* getPlugin()
      return new MyPluginName;

    Note that using extern "C" is required to search for the getPlugin() method call for the dynamically loaded plugin correctly.

  2. The plugin must be compiled to be a shared object with a .so extension. For example: g++ plugin.cpp -lRAJA -fPIC -shared -o

    At the moment, RAJA will only attempt to load files with .so extensions. It’s worth noting why these flags (or their equivalents) are important.

    • -lRAJA is a standard flag for linking the RAJA library.
    • -fPIC tells the compiler to produce position independent code, which prevents conflicts in the address space of the executable.
    • -shared will let the compiler know that you want the resulting object file to be shared, removing the need for a main as well as giving dynamically loaded executables access to methods flagged with extern "C".
  3. The RAJA_PLUGINS environment variable must be set, or the project code must call RAJA::util::init_plugins("path");. Either of these approaches is required to supply the path to either a directory containing the plugin or its .so file. It’s worth noting that these are not mutually exclusive. RAJA will look for plugins based on the environment variable on program startup and new plugins may be loaded after that by calling the init_plugins() method.

Example Plugin Implementation

The following is an example plugin that simply will print out the number of times a kernel has been launched and has the ability to be loaded either statically or dynamically.

#include "RAJA/util/PluginStrategy.hpp"

#include <iostream>

class CounterPlugin :
  public RAJA::util::PluginStrategy
  void preCapture(const RAJA::util::PluginContext& p) override {
    if (p.platform == RAJA::Platform::host) 
      std::cout << " [CounterPlugin]: Capturing host kernel for the " << ++host_capture_counter << " time!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " [CounterPlugin]: Capturing device kernel for the " << ++device_capture_counter << " time!" << std::endl;

  void preLaunch(const RAJA::util::PluginContext& p) override {
    if (p.platform == RAJA::Platform::host)
      std::cout << " [CounterPlugin]: Launching host kernel for the " << ++host_launch_counter << " time!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " [CounterPlugin]: Launching device kernel for the " << ++device_launch_counter << " time!" << std::endl;

   int host_capture_counter;
   int device_capture_counter;
   int host_launch_counter;
   int device_launch_counter;

// Statically loading plugin.
static RAJA::util::PluginRegistry::add<CounterPlugin> P("Counter", "Counts number of kernel launches.");

// Dynamically loading plugin.
extern "C" RAJA::util::PluginStrategy *getPlugin ()
  return new CounterPlugin;

CHAI Plugin

RAJA provides abstractions for parallel execution, but does not support a memory model for managing data in heterogeneous memory spaces. One option for managing such data is to use CHAI, which provides an array abstraction that integrates with RAJA to enable automatic copying of data at runtime to the proper execution memory space for a RAJA-based kernel determined by the RAJA execution policy used to execute the kernel. Then, the data can be accessed inside the kernel as needed.

To build CHAI with RAJA integration, you need to download and install CHAI with the ENABLE_RAJA_PLUGIN option turned on. Please see CHAI for details.

After CHAI has been built with RAJA support enabled, applications can use CHAI ManangedArray objects to access data inside a RAJA kernel. For example:

chai::ManagedArray<float> array(1000);

RAJA::forall<RAJA::cuda_exec<16> >(0, 1000, [=] __device__ (int i) {
    array[i] = i * 2.0f;

RAJA::forall<RAJA::loop_exec>(0, 1000, [=] (int i) {
  std::cout << "array[" << i << "]  is " << array[i] << std::endl;

Here, the data held by array is allocated on the host CPU. Then, it is initialized on a CUDA GPU device. CHAI sees that the data lives on the CPU and is needed in a GPU device data environment since it is used in a kernel that will run with a RAJA CUDA execution policy. So it copies the data from CPU memory to GPU memory, making it available for access in the RAJA kernel. The data is printed in the second kernel which runs on the CPU (indicated by the RAJA sequential execution policy). So CHAI copies the data back to the host CPU. All necessary data copies are done transparently on demand for each kernel.