
RAJA kernel execution methods take an execution policy type template parameter to specialize execution behavior. Typically, the policy indicates which programming model back-end to use and other information about the execution pattern, such as number of CUDA threads per thread block, whether execution is synchronous or asynchronous, etc. This section describes RAJA policies for loop kernel execution, scans, sorts, reductions, atomics, etc. Please detailed examples in RAJA Tutorial and Examples for a variety of use cases.

As RAJA functionality evolves, new policies are added and some may be redefined and to work in new ways.


  • All RAJA policies are in the namespace RAJA.

  • All RAJA policies have a prefix indicating the back-end implementation that they use; e.g., omp_ for OpenMP, cuda_ for CUDA, etc.

RAJA Loop/Kernel Execution Policies

The following tables summarize RAJA policies for executing kernels. Please see notes below policy descriptions for additional usage details and caveats.

Sequential CPU Policies

For the sequential CPU back-end, RAJA provides policies that allow developers to have some control over the optimizations that compilers are allow to apply during code compilation.

Sequential/SIMD Execution Policies

Works with

Brief description



Creates a sequential execution space.


forall, kernel (For), scan, sort

Sequential execution, where the compiler is allowed to apply any any optimizations that its heuristics deem beneficial; i.e., no loop decorations (pragmas or intrinsics) in the RAJA implementation.


forall, kernel (For), scan

Try to force generation of SIMD instructions via compiler hints in RAJA’s internal implementation.

OpenMP Parallel CPU Policies

For the OpenMP CPU multithreading back-end, RAJA has policies that can be used by themselves to execute kernels. In particular, they create an OpenMP parallel region and execute a kernel within it. To distinguish these in this discussion, we refer to these as full policies. These policies are provided to users for convenience in common use cases.

RAJA also provides other OpenMP policies, which we refer to as partial policies, since they need to be used in combination with other policies. Typically, they work by providing an outer policy and an inner policy as a template parameter to the outer policy. These give users flexibility to create more complex execution patterns.


To control the number of threads used by OpenMP policies, set the value of the environment variable ‘OMP_NUM_THREADS’ (which is fixed for duration of run), or call the OpenMP routine ‘omp_set_num_threads(nthreads)’ in your application, which allows one to change the number of threads at run time.

The full policies are described in the following table. Partial policies are described in other tables below.

OpenMP CPU Full Policies

Works with

Brief description


forall, kernel (For), launch (loop), scan, sort

Same as applying ‘omp parallel for’ pragma


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp parallel for schedule(static, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp parallel for schedule(guided, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp parallel for schedule(runtime)’


For the OpenMP scheduling policies above that take a ChunkSize parameter, the chunk size is optional. If not provided, the default chunk size that OpenMP applies will be used, which may be specific to the OpenMP implementation in use. For this case, the RAJA policy syntax is omp_parallel_for_{static|dynamic|guided}_exec< >, which will result in the OpenMP pragma omp parallel for schedule({static|dynamic|guided}) being applied.

RAJA provides an (outer) OpenMP CPU policy to create a parallel region in which to execute a kernel. It requires an inner policy that defines how a kernel will execute in parallel inside the region.

OpenMP CPU Outer Policies

Works with

Brief description



Creates an OpenMP parallel region. Same as applying ‘omp parallel’ pragma


forall, kernel (For), scan

Creates OpenMP parallel region and requires an InnerPolicy. Same as applying ‘omp parallel’ pragma.

Finally, we summarize the inner policies that RAJA provides for OpenMP. These policies are passed to the RAJA omp_parallel_exec outer policy as a template argument as described above.

OpenMP CPU Inner Policies

Works with

Brief description


forall, kernel (For), launch (loop) scan

Parallel execution within existing parallel region; i.e., apply ‘omp for’ pragma.


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp for schedule(static, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp for schedule(static, ChunkSize) nowait’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp for schedule(dynamic, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp for schedule(guided, ChunkSize)’


forall, kernel (For)

Same as applying ‘omp for schedule(runtime)’


kernel (Collapse + ArgList)

Use in Collapse statement to parallelize multiple loop levels in loop nest indicated using ArgList


RAJA only provides a nowait policy option for static scheduling since that is the only schedule case that can be used with nowait and be correct in general when executing multiple loops in a single parallel region. Paraphrasing the OpenMP standard: programs that depend on which thread executes a particular loop iteration under any circumstance other than static schedule are non-conforming.


As in the RAJA full policies for OpenMP scheduling, the ChunkSize is optional. If not provided, the default chunk size that the OpenMP implementation applies will be used.


As noted above, RAJA inner OpenMP policies must only be used within an existing parallel region to work properly. Embedding an inner policy inside the RAJA outer omp_parallel_exec will allow you to apply the OpenMP execution prescription specified by the policies to a single kernel. To support use cases with multiple kernels inside an OpenMP parallel region, RAJA provides a region construct that takes a template argument to specify the execution back-end. For example:

RAJA::region<RAJA::omp_parallel_region>([=]() {

  RAJA::forall<RAJA::omp_for_nowait_static_exec< > >(segment,
    [=] (int idx) {
      // do something at iterate 'idx'

  RAJA::forall<RAJA::omp_for_static_exec< > >(segment,
    [=] (int idx) {
      // do something else at iterate 'idx'


Here, the RAJA::region<RAJA::omp_parallel_region> method call creates an OpenMP parallel region, which contains two RAJA::forall kernels. The first uses the RAJA::omp_for_nowait_static_exec< > policy, meaning that no thread synchronization is needed after the kernel. Thus, threads can start working on the second kernel while others are still working on the first kernel. I general, this will be correct when the segments used in the two kernels are the same, each loop is data parallel, and static scheduling is applied to both loops. The second kernel uses the RAJA::omp_for_static_exec policy, which means that all threads will complete before the kernel exits. In this example, this is not really needed since there is no more code to execute in the parallel region and there is an implicit barrier at the end of it.

GPU Policies for CUDA and HIP

RAJA policies for GPU execution using CUDA or HIP are essentially identical. The only difference is that CUDA policies have the prefix cuda_ and HIP policies have the prefix hip_.

CUDA/HIP Execution Policies

Works with

Brief description


forall, scan, sort

Execute loop iterations directly mapped to global threads in a GPU kernel launched with given thread-block size and unbounded grid size. Note that the thread-block size must be provided, there is no default.

cuda/hip_exec_grid<BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_SIZE>


Execute loop iterations mapped to global threads via grid striding with multiple iterations per global thread in a GPU kernel launched with given thread-block size and grid size. Note that the thread-block size and grid size must be provided, there is no default.



Execute loop iterations mapped to global threads via grid striding with multiple iterations per global thread in a GPU kernel launched with given thread-block size and grid size bounded by the maximum occupancy of the kernel.



Similar to the occ_max policy but may use less than the maximum occupancy determined by the occupancy calculator of the kernel for performance reasons.



Similar to the occ_max


policy but use a fraction

numerator, denominator>>

of the maximum occupancy of the kernel.



Similar to the occ_max


policy but the grid size is determined by the concretizer.



The cuda/hip exec policy that is recommended for use with reducers. In general using the occupancy calculator policies are better but exactly how much occupancy to use differs by platform so this policy provides a simple way to get what works best for that platform without having to know the details.



Launches a device kernel, any code expressed within the lambda is executed on the device.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Map loop iterates directly to GPU threads in x-dimension, one iterate per thread (see note below about limitations)


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to threads in y-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to threads in z-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Similar to thread-x-direct policy, but use a block-stride loop which doesn’t limit number of loop iterates


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but for threads in y-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but for threads in z-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Similar to thread-loop policy, but safe to use with Cuda/HipSyncThreads


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as thread_x_direct policy above but with a compile time number of threads


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to threads in y-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to threads in z-dim


launch (loop)

Reshapes threads in a multi-dimensional thread team into one-dimension, accepts any permutation of dimensions


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Map loop iterates directly to GPU thread blocks in x-dimension, one iterate per block


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to blocks in y-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to blocks in z-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Similar to block-x-direct policy, but use a grid-stride loop.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but use blocks in y-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but use blocks in z-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as block_x_direct policy above but with a compile time number of blocks


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to blocks in y-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to blocks in z-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Creates a unique thread id for each thread on x-dimension of the grid. Same as computing threadIdx.x + threadDim.x * blockIdx.x.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but uses globals in y-dimension.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but uses globals in z-dimension.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Similar to global-x-direct policy, but use a grid-stride loop.


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but use globals in y-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but use globals in z-dimension


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as global_x_direct policy above but with a compile time block size


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to globals in y-dim


kernel (For) launch (loop)

Same as above, but map to globals in z-dim


kernel (For)

Map work to threads in a warp directly. Cannot be used in conjunction with cuda/hip_thread_x_* policies. Multiple warps can be created by using cuda/hip_thread_y/z_* policies.


kernel (For)

Policy to map work to threads in a warp using a warp-stride loop. Cannot be used in conjunction with cuda/hip_thread_x_* policies. Multiple warps can be created by using cuda/hip_thread_y/z_* policies.


kernel (For)

Policy to map work directly to threads in a warp using a bit mask. Cannot be used in conjunction with cuda/hip_thread_x_* policies. Multiple warps can be created by using cuda/hip_thread_y/z_* policies.


kernel (For)

Policy to map work to threads in a warp using a bit mask and a warp-stride loop. Cannot be used in conjunction with cuda/hip_thread_x_* policies. Multiple warps can be created by using cuda/hip_thread_y/z_* policies.


kernel (Reduce)

Perform a reduction across a single GPU thread block.


kernel (Reduce)

Perform a reduction across a single GPU thread warp.

When a CUDA or HIP policy leaves parameters like the block size and/or grid size unspecified a concretizer object is used to decide those parameters. The following concretizers are available to use in the cuda/hip_exec_occ_custom policies:

Execution Policy

Brief description

Cuda/HipDefaultConcretizer The default concretizer, expected to

provide good performance in general. Note that it may not use max occupancy.

Cuda/HipRecForReduceConcretizer Expected to provide good performance

in loops with reducers. Note that it may not use max occupancy.

Cuda/HipMaxOccupancyConcretizer Uses max occupancy.

Cuda/HipAvoidDeviceMaxThreadOccupancyConcretizer Avoids using the max occupancy of the

device in terms of threads. Note that it may use the max occupancy of the kernel if that is below the max occupancy of the device.

Cuda/HipFractionOffsetOccupancyConcretizer< Uses a fraction and offset to choose an

Fraction<size_t, numerator, denomenator>, occupancy based on the max occupancy BLOCKS_PER_SM_OFFSET> Using the following formula:

(Fraction * kernel_max_blocks_per_sm +

BLOCKS_PER_SM_OFFSET) * sm_per_device

Execution Policy Brief description ====================================== ========================================= Serial seq_segit Iterate over index set segments


OpenMP CPU multithreading omp_parallel_segit Create OpenMP parallel region and

iterate over segments in parallel inside it; i.e., apply omp parallel for pragma on loop over segments.

omp_parallel_for_segit Same as above. ====================================== =========================================

Parallel Region Policies

Earlier, we discussed using the RAJA::region construct to execute multiple kernels in an OpenMP parallel region. To support source code portability, RAJA provides a sequential region concept that can be used to surround code that uses execution back-ends other than OpenMP. For example:

RAJA::region<RAJA::seq_region>([=]() {

   RAJA::forall<RAJA::seq_exec>(segment, [=] (int idx) {
       // do something at iterate 'idx'
   } );

   RAJA::forall<RAJA::seq_exec>(segment, [=] (int idx) {
       // do something else at iterate 'idx'
   } );



The sequential region specialization is essentially a pass through operation. It is provided so that if you want to turn off OpenMP in your code, for example, you can simply replace the region policy type and you do not have to change your algorithm source code.

Reduction Policies

Each RAJA reduction object must be defined with a ‘reduction policy’ type. Reduction policy types are distinct from loop execution policy types. It is important to note the following constraints about RAJA reduction usage:


To guarantee correctness, a reduction policy must be consistent with the loop execution policy used. For example, a CUDA reduction policy must be used when the execution policy is a CUDA policy, an OpenMP reduction policy must be used when the execution policy is an OpenMP policy, and so on.

The following table summarizes RAJA reduction policy types:

Reduction Policy

Loop Policies to Use With

Brief description



Non-parallel (sequential) reduction.


any OpenMP policy

OpenMP parallel reduction.


any OpenMP policy

OpenMP parallel reduction with result guaranteed to be reproducible.


any OpenMP target policy

OpenMP parallel target offload reduction.


any CUDA/HIP policy

Parallel reduction in a CUDA/HIP kernel (device synchronization will occur when reduction value is finalized).


any CUDA/HIP policy

Same as above, but reduction may use CUDA atomic operations.


any SYCL policy

Reduction in a SYCL kernel (device synchronization will occur when the reduction value is finalized).


RAJA reductions used with SIMD execution policies are not guaranteed to generate correct results. So they should not be used for kernels containing reductions.

Atomic Policies

Each RAJA atomic operation must be defined with an ‘atomic policy’ type. Atomic policy types are distinct from loop execution policy types.


An atomic policy type must be consistent with the loop execution policy for the kernel in which the atomic operation is used. The following table summarizes RAJA atomic policies and usage.

Atomic Policy

Loop Policies to Use With

Brief description



Atomic operation performed in a non-parallel (sequential) kernel.


any OpenMP policy

Atomic operation in OpenM kernel.P multithreading or target kernel; i.e., apply omp atomic pragma.


any CUDA/HIP/SYCL policy

Atomic operation performed in a CUDA/HIP/SYCL kernel.


any CUDA/HIP policy

Atomic operation performed in a CUDA/HIP kernel that may also be used in a host execution context. The atomic policy takes a host atomic policy template argument. See additional explanation and example below.


seq_exec, any OpenMP policy

Compiler builtin atomic operation.


seq_exec, any OpenMP policy, any CUDA/HIP/SYCL policy

Atomic operation compatible with loop execution policy. See example below. Cannot be used inside CUDA or HIP explicit atomic policies.


The cuda_atomic_explicit and hip_atomic_explicit policies take a host atomic policy template parameter. They are intended to be used with kernels that are host-device decorated to be used in either a host or device execution context.

Here is an example illustrating use of the cuda_atomic_explicit policy:

auto kernel = [=] RAJA_HOST_DEVICE (RAJA::Index_type i) {
  RAJA::atomicAdd< RAJA::cuda_atomic_explicit<omp_atomic> >(&sum, 1);

RAJA::forall< RAJA::cuda_exec<BLOCK_SIZE> >(RAJA::TypedRangeSegment<int> seg(0, N), kernel);

RAJA::forall< RAJA::omp_parallel_for_exec >(RAJA::TypedRangeSegment<int> seg(0, N), kernel);

In this case, the atomic operation knows when it is compiled for the device in a CUDA kernel context and the CUDA atomic operation is applied. Similarly when it is compiled for the host in an OpenMP kernel the omp_atomic policy is used and the OpenMP version of the atomic operation is applied.

Here is an example illustrating use of the auto_atomic policy:

RAJA::forall< RAJA::cuda_exec<BLOCK_SIZE> >(RAJA::TypedRangeSegment<int> seg(0, N),
  [=] RAJA_DEVICE (RAJA::Index_type i) {

  RAJA::atomicAdd< RAJA::auto_atomic >(&sum, 1);


In this case, the atomic operation knows that it is used in a CUDA kernel context and the CUDA atomic operation is applied. Similarly, if an OpenMP execution policy was used, the OpenMP version of the atomic operation would be used.


The builtin_atomic policy may be preferable to the omp_atomic policy in terms of performance.

Local Array Memory Policies

RAJA::LocalArray types must use a memory policy indicating where the memory for the local array will live. These policies are described in Local Array.

The following memory policies are available to specify memory allocation for RAJA::LocalArray objects:

  • RAJA::cpu_tile_mem - Allocate CPU memory on the stack

  • RAJA::cuda/hip_shared_mem - Allocate CUDA or HIP shared memory

  • RAJA::cuda/hip_thread_mem - Allocate CUDA or HIP thread private memory

RAJA Kernel Execution Policies

RAJA kernel execution policy constructs form a simple domain specific language for composing and transforming complex loops that relies solely on standard C++14 template support. RAJA kernel policies are constructed using a combination of Statements and Statement Lists. A RAJA Statement is an action, such as execute a loop, invoke a lambda, set a thread barrier, etc. A StatementList is an ordered list of Statements that are composed in the order that they appear in the kernel policy to construct a kernel. A Statement may contain an enclosed StatmentList. Thus, a RAJA::KernelPolicy type is really just a StatementList.

The main Statement types provided by RAJA are RAJA::statement::For and RAJA::statement::Lambda, that we discussed in Complex Loops (RAJA::kernel). A RAJA::statement::For<ArgID, ExecPolicy, Enclosed Satements> type indicates a for-loop structure. The ArgID parameter is an integral constant that identifies the position of the iteration space in the iteration space tuple passed to the RAJA::kernel method to be used for the loop. The ExecPolicy is the RAJA execution policy to use on the loop, which is similar to RAJA::forall usage. The EnclosedStatements type is a nested template parameter that contains whatever is needed to execute the kernel and which forms a valid StatementList. The RAJA::statement::Lambda<LambdaID> type invokes the lambda expression corresponding to its position ‘LambdaID’ in the sequence of lambda expressions in the RAJA::kernel argument list. For example, a simple sequential for-loop:

for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
  // loop body

can be represented using the RAJA kernel interface as:

    RAJA::statement::For<0, RAJA::seq_exec,

  [=](int i) {
    // loop body


All RAJA::forall functionality can be done using the RAJA::kernel interface. We maintain the RAJA::forall interface since it is less verbose and thus more convenient for users.

RAJA::kernel Statement Types

The list below summarizes the current collection of statement types that can be used with RAJA::kernel and RAJA::kernel_param. More detailed explanation along with examples of how they are used can be found in the RAJA::kernel examples in RAJA Tutorial and Examples.


All of the statement types described below are in the namespace RAJA::statement. For brevity, we omit the namespaces in the discussion in this section.


RAJA::kernel_param functions similarly to RAJA::kernel except that the second argument is a tuple of parameters used in a kernel for local arrays, thread local variables, tiling information, etc.

Several RAJA statements can be specialized with auxilliary types, which are described in Auxilliary Types.

The following list contains the most commonly used statement types.

  • For< ArgId, ExecPolicy, EnclosedStatements > abstracts a for-loop associated with kernel iteration space at tuple index ArgId, to be run with ExecPolicy execution policy, and containing the EnclosedStatements which are executed for each loop iteration.

  • Lambda< LambdaId > invokes the lambda expression that appears at position ‘LambdaId’ in the sequence of lambda arguments. With this statement, the lambda expression must accept all arguments associated with the tuple of iteration space segments and tuple of parameters (if kernel_param is used).

  • Lambda< LambdaId, Args...> extends the Lambda statement. The second template parameter indicates which arguments (e.g., which segment iteration variables) are passed to the lambda expression.

  • Collapse< ExecPolicy, ArgList<...>, EnclosedStatements > collapses multiple perfectly nested loops specified by tuple iteration space indices in ArgList, using the ExecPolicy execution policy, and places EnclosedStatements inside the collapsed loops which are executed for each iteration. Note that this only works for CPU execution policies (e.g., sequential, OpenMP). It may be available for CUDA in the future if such use cases arise.

There is one statement specific to OpenMP kernels.

  • OmpSyncThreads applies the OpenMP #pragma omp barrier directive.

Statement types that launch CUDA or HIP GPU kernels are listed next. They work similarly for each back-end and their names are distinguished by the prefix Cuda or Hip. For example, CudaKernel or HipKernel.

  • Cuda/HipKernel< EnclosedStatements> launches EnclosedStatements as a GPU kernel; e.g., a loop nest where the iteration spaces of each loop level are associated with threads and/or thread blocks as described by the execution policies applied to them. This kernel launch is synchronous.

  • Cuda/HipKernelAsync< EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of Cuda/HipKernel.

  • Cuda/HipKernelFixed<num_threads, EnclosedStatements> similar to Cuda/HipKernel but enables a fixed number of threads (specified by num_threads). This kernel launch is synchronous.

  • Cuda/HipKernelFixedAsync<num_threads, EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of Cuda/HipKernelFixed.

  • CudaKernelFixedSM<num_threads, min_blocks_per_sm, EnclosedStatements> similar to CudaKernelFixed but enables a minimum number of blocks per sm (specified by min_blocks_per_sm), this can help increase occupancy. This kernel launch is synchronous. Note: there is no HIP variant of this statement.

  • CudaKernelFixedSMAsync<num_threads, min_blocks_per_sm, EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of CudaKernelFixedSM. Note: there is no HIP variant of this statement.

  • Cuda/HipKernelOcc<EnclosedStatements> similar to CudaKernel but uses the CUDA occupancy calculator to determine the optimal number of threads/blocks. Statement is intended for use with RAJA::cuda/hip_block_{xyz}_loop policies. This kernel launch is synchronous.

  • Cuda/HipKernelOccAsync<EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of Cuda/HipKernelOcc.

  • Cuda/HipKernelExp<num_blocks, num_threads, EnclosedStatements> similar to CudaKernelOcc but with the flexibility to fix the number of threads and/or blocks and let the CUDA occupancy calculator determine the unspecified values. This kernel launch is synchronous.

  • Cuda/HipKernelExpAsync<num_blocks, num_threads, EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of Cuda/HipKernelExp.

  • Cuda/HipSyncThreads invokes CUDA or HIP __syncthreads() barrier.

  • Cuda/HipSyncWarp invokes CUDA __syncwarp() barrier. Warp sync is not supported in HIP, so the HIP variant is a no-op.

Statement types that launch SYCL kernels are listed next.

  • SyclKernel<EnclosedStatements> launches EnclosedStatements as a SYCL kernel. This kernel launch is synchronous.

  • SyclKernelAsync<EnclosedStatements> asynchronous version of SyclKernel.

RAJA provides statements to define loop tiling which can improve performance; e.g., by allowing CPU cache blocking or use of GPU shared memory.

  • Tile< ArgId, TilePolicy, ExecPolicy, EnclosedStatements > abstracts an outer tiling loop containing an inner for-loop over each tile. The ArgId indicates which entry in the iteration space tuple to which the tiling loop applies and the TilePolicy specifies the tiling pattern to use, including its dimension. The ExecPolicy and EnclosedStatements are similar to what they represent in a statement::For type.

  • TileTCount< ArgId, ParamId, TilePolicy, ExecPolicy, EnclosedStatements > abstracts an outer tiling loop containing an inner for-loop over each tile, where it is necessary to obtain the tile number in each tile. The ArgId indicates which entry in the iteration space tuple to which the loop applies and the ParamId indicates the position of the tile number in the parameter tuple. The TilePolicy specifies the tiling pattern to use, including its dimension. The ExecPolicy and EnclosedStatements are similar to what they represent in a statement::For type.

  • ForICount< ArgId, ParamId, ExecPolicy, EnclosedStatements > abstracts an inner for-loop within an outer tiling loop where it is necessary to obtain the local iteration index in each tile. The ArgId indicates which entry in the iteration space tuple to which the loop applies and the ParamId indicates the position of the tile index parameter in the parameter tuple. The ExecPolicy and EnclosedStatements are similar to what they represent in a statement::For type.

It is often advantageous to use local arrays for data accessed in tiled loops. RAJA provides a statement for allocating data in a Local Array object according to a memory policy. See Local Array Memory Policies for more information about such policies.

  • InitLocalMem< MemPolicy, ParamList<...>, EnclosedStatements > allocates memory for a RAJA::LocalArray object used in kernel. The ParamList entries indicate which local array objects in a tuple will be initialized. The EnclosedStatements contain the code in which the local array will be accessed; e.g., initialization operations.

RAJA provides some statement types that apply in specific kernel scenarios.

  • Reduce< ReducePolicy, Operator, ParamId, EnclosedStatements > reduces a value across threads in a multithreaded code region to a single thread. The ReducePolicy is similar to what it represents for RAJA reduction types. ParamId specifies the position of the reduction value in the parameter tuple passed to the RAJA::kernel_param method. Operator is the binary operator used in the reduction; typically, this will be one of the operators that can be used with RAJA scans (see RAJA Scan Operators). After the reduction is complete, the EnclosedStatements execute on the thread that received the final reduced value.

  • If< Conditional > chooses which portions of a policy to run based on run-time evaluation of conditional statement; e.g., true or false, equal to some value, etc.

  • Hyperplane< ArgId, HpExecPolicy, ArgList<...>, ExecPolicy, EnclosedStatements > provides a hyperplane (or wavefront) iteration pattern over multiple indices. A hyperplane is a set of multi-dimensional index values: i0, i1, … such that h = i0 + i1 + … for a given h. Here, ArgId is the position of the loop argument we will iterate on (defines the order of hyperplanes), HpExecPolicy is the execution policy used to iterate over the iteration space specified by ArgId (often sequential), ArgList is a list of other indices that along with ArgId define a hyperplane, and ExecPolicy is the execution policy that applies to the loops in ArgList. Then, for each iteration, everything in the EnclosedStatements is executed.

Auxilliary Types

The following list summarizes auxilliary types used in the above statements. These types live in the RAJA namespace.

  • tile_fixed<TileSize> tile policy argument to a Tile or TileTCount statement; partitions loop iterations into tiles of a fixed size specified by TileSize. This statement type can be used as the TilePolicy template parameter in the Tile statements above.

  • tile_dynamic<ParamIdx> TilePolicy argument to a Tile or TileTCount statement; partitions loop iterations into tiles of a size specified by a TileSize{} positional parameter argument. This statement type can be used as the TilePolicy template paramter in the Tile statements above.

  • Segs<...> argument to a Lambda statement; used to specify which segments in a tuple will be used as lambda arguments.

  • Offsets<...> argument to a Lambda statement; used to specify which segment offsets in a tuple will be used as lambda arguments.

  • Params<...> argument to a Lambda statement; used to specify which params in a tuple will be used as lambda arguments.

  • ValuesT<T, ...> argument to a Lambda statement; used to specify compile time constants, of type T, that will be used as lambda arguments.

Examples that show how to use a variety of these statement types can be found in Complex Loops (RAJA::kernel).