Getting Started With RAJA

This section will help get you up and running with RAJA quickly.


The primary requirement for using RAJA is a C++14 compliant compiler. Accessing various programming model back-ends requires that they be supported by the compiler you chose. Available options and how to enable or disable them are described in Build Configuration Options. To build RAJA in its most basic form and use its simplest features:

  • C++ compiler with C++14 support
  • CMake version 3.14.5 or greater.

Get the Code

The RAJA project is hosted on GitHub. To get the code, clone the repository into a local working space using the command:

$ git clone --recursive

The --recursive argument above is needed to pull in necessary RAJA dependencies as Git submodules. Current RAJA dependencies are:

You probably don’t need to know much about these other projects to start using RAJA. But, if you want to know more about them, click on the links above.

After running the clone command, a copy of the RAJA repository will reside in a RAJA subdirectory where you ran the clone command. You will be on the develop branch of RAJA, which is our default branch.

If you do not pass the --recursive argument to the git clone command, you can type the following commands after cloning:

$ cd RAJA
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Either way, the end result is the same and you should be good to go.


Any time you switch branches in RAJA, you need to re-run the ‘git submodule update’ command to set the Git submodules to what is used by the new branch.

Build and Install

Building and installing RAJA can be very easy or more complicated, depending on which features you want to use and how easy it is to use your system.

Building RAJA

RAJA uses CMake to configure a build. A “bare bones” configuration looks like:

$ mkdir build-dir && cd build-dir
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ../


  • RAJA requires a minimum CMake version of 3.14.5.
  • Builds must be out-of-source. RAJA does not allow building in the source directory, so you must create a build directory and run CMake in it.

When you run CMake, it will generate output about the build environment (compiler and version, options, etc.). Some RAJA features, like OpenMP support are enabled by default if, for example, the compiler supports OpenMP. These can be disabled if desired. For a summary of RAJA configuration options, please see Build Configuration Options.

After CMake successfully completes, you compile RAJA by executing the make command in the build directory; i.e.,:

$ make

If you have access to a multi-core system, you can compile in parallel by running make -j (to build with all available cores) or make -j N to build using N cores.


  • RAJA is configured to build its unit tests by default. If you do not disable them with the appropriate CMake option (please see Build Configuration Options), you can run them after the build completes to check if everything is built properly.

    The easiest way to run the full set of RAJA tests is to type:

    $ make test

    in the build directory after the build completes.

    You can also run individual tests by invoking test executables directly. They will be located in the test subdirectory in the build space directory. RAJA tests use the Google Test framework, so you can also run tests via Google Test commands.

  • RAJA also contains example and tutorial exercise programs you can run if you wish. Similar to the RAJA tests, the examples and exercises are built by default and can be disabled with CMake options (see Build Configuration Options). The source files for these are located in the RAJA/examples and RAJA/exercises directories, respectively. When built, the executables for the examples and exercises will be located in the bin subdirectory in the build space directory. Feel free to experiment by editing the source files and recompiling.


You may use externally-supplied versions of the camp, CUB, and rocPRIM libraries with RAJA if you wish. To do so, pass the following options to CMake:

  • External camp: -DEXTERNAL_CAMP_SOURCE_DIR=<camp dir name>
    -DROCPRIM_DIR=<rocPRIM dir name>

GPU Builds, etc.


To run RAJA code on NVIDIA GPUs, one typically must have a CUDA compiler installed on your system, in addition to a host code compiler. You may need to specify both when you run CMake. The host compiler is specified using the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER CMake variable. The CUDA compiler is specified with the CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER variable.

When using the NVIDIA nvcc compiler for RAJA CUDA functionality, the variables:


which corresponding to the standard CMake build types are used to pass flags to nvcc.


When nvcc must pass options to the host compiler, the arguments can be included using these CMake variables. Host compiler options must be prepended with the -Xcompiler directive.

To set the CUDA compute architecture for the nvcc compiler, which should be chosen based on the NVIDIA GPU hardware you are using, you can use the CUDA_ARCH CMake variable. For example, the CMake option:


will tell the compiler to use the sm_60 SASS architecture in its second stage of compilation. It will pick the PTX architecture to use in the first stage of compilation that is suitable for the SASS architecture you specify.

Alternatively, you may specify the PTX and SASS architectures, using appropriate nvcc options in the CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_* variables.


RAJA requires a minimum CUDA architecture level of `sm_35` to use all supported CUDA features. Mostly, the architecture level affects which RAJA CUDA atomic operations are available and how they are implemented inside RAJA. This is described in Atomics.

  • If you do not specify a value for CUDA_ARCH, it will be set to sm_35 by default and CMake will emit a status message indicatting this choice was made.
  • If you give a CUDA_ARCH value less than sm_35 (e.g., sm_30), CMake will report this and stop processing.

Also, RAJA relies on the CUB CUDA utilities library for some CUDA functionality. The CUB included in the CUDA toolkit is used by default if available. RAJA includes a CUB submodule that is used if it is not available. To use an external CUB install provide the following option to CMake: -DRAJA_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_CUB=On -DCUB_DIR=<pat/to/cub>.


**It is important to note that the CUDA toolkit version of cub is required for compatibility with the CUDA toolkit version of thrust starting with CUDA toolkit version v11.0.0. So, if you build RAJA with CUDA version 11 or higher you must use the CUDA toolkit version of CUB to use Thrust and be compatible with libraries that use Thrust.

*It is important to note that the version of Googletest that is used in RAJA version v0.11.0 or newer requires CUDA version 9.2.x or newer when compiling with nvcc. Thus, if you build RAJA with CUDA enabled and want to also enable RAJA tests, you must use CUDA version 9.2.x or newer.


To run RAJA code on AMD GPUs, one typically uses the HIP compiler and tool chain (which can also be used to compile code for NVIDIA GPUs).


RAJA requires version 3.5 or newer of the ROCm software stack to use the RAJA HIP back-end.

Also, RAJA relies on the rocPRIM HIP utilities library for some HIP functionality. The rocPRIM included in the ROCm install is used by default if available. RAJA includes a rocPRIM submodule that is used if it is not available. To use an external rocPRIM install provide the following option to CMake: -DRAJA_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_ROCPRIM=On -DROCPRIM_DIR=<pat/to/rocPRIM>.


When using HIP and targeting NVIDIA GPUs RAJA uses CUB instead of rocPRIM. In this case you must use an external CUB install using the CMake variables described in the CUDA section.


To use OpenMP target offlad GPU execution, additional options may need to be passed to the compiler. The variable OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS is used for this. Option syntax follows the CMake list pattern. For example, to specify OpenMP target options for NVIDIA GPUs using a clang-based compiler, one may do something like:

cmake \

RAJA Example Build Configuration Files

The RAJA/scripts directory contains subdirectories with a variety of build scripts we use to build and test RAJA on various platforms with various compilers. These scripts pass files (CMake cache files) located in the RAJA/host-configs directory to CMake using the ‘-C’ option. These files serve as useful examples of how to configure RAJA prior to compilation.

Installing RAJA

To install RAJA as a library, run the following command in your build directory:

$ make install

This will copy RAJA header files to the include directory and the RAJA library will be installed in the lib directory you specified using the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake option.

Learning to Use RAJA

If you want to view and run a very simple RAJA example code, a good place to start is located in the file: RAJA/examples/daxpy.cpp. After building RAJA with the options you select, the executable for this code will reside in the file: <build-dir>/examples/bin/daxpy. Simply type the name of the executable in your build directory to run it; i.e.,:

$ ./examples/bin/daxpy

The RAJA/examples directory also contains many other RAJA example codes you can run and experiment with.

For an overview of all the main RAJA features, see RAJA Features. A full tutorial with a variety of examples showing how to use RAJA features can be found in RAJA Tutorial.